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Prices Starting From $49.99/3-month Supply!

As you probably have figured out by now….Simparica Trio is EXPENSIVE!!! In fact, when looking around, I found that the Simparica Trio cost at my local vet is around $150 for a 6-month supply….that’s crazy!!

This of course lead to me searching around to try and find a better price online, and while I did find some savings, most of the “bigger” stores weren’t that much cheaper, with prices around the $137 mark for a 6-month supply.

This just was not acceptable in my opinion, and I knew from experience that I could probably do much better than this. In fact, I knew exactly where to check, as I have my own little “best kept secret” when it comes to where I purchase flea/tick/heartworm products! (it’s not really a secret 😉 )

Sure enough, I found a much better Simparica Trio price at my normal store. Prices actually start at $59.99 for a 3-month supply. A 6-month supply starts at $109. This obviously represents significant cost savings!

I’m going to ramble on a bit more, but if you’ve read enough and just want to go to the online store now, you can click the banner below to go there now and purchase.

Why is the Simparica Trio Cost So High?

As I mentioned above, the cost of Simparica Trio for dogs is very high. But to be fair, most of other flea/tick products sold at veterinary offices are expensive as well (especially in the USA). Part of that comes down to the fact that we’ve been conditioned to accept higher costs in this country when it comes to “medically related” products and services. These type of products definitely fall under that category.

But aside from that, there is another reason that this new product is a bit more expensive than other popular products (such as Nexgard, frontline plus, etc). That reason is because Simparica Trio offers coverage for a lot more pests/parasites!

This cutting-edge product offers protection from fleas, 5-types of ticks, heartworms, round worms and hook worms! No other product on the market offers this much coverage. Trifexis comes close, but they don’t have protection for ticks. This is kind of a big deal depending on where you live…

Is is worth paying the Simparica Trio Price?

The answer to that is slightly complicated. Simparia Trio is a newer product that hasn’t been on the market all that long. And while it offers an amazing amount of protection, you can get a similar amount of protection by combining other products.

One of the most popular combinations is to use Nexgard and Heartgard Plus. This combo gives a similar amount of protection and the cost ends up being about the same….

The benefit of using these other 2 popular products is that they have both been around for quite a while. They have also been proven to be safe and effective for the vast majority of dogs.

But on the other hand, it is nice to only have to administer one product to your pet so….I don’t know. 😉


The Simparica Trio cost is definitely high. But you can save a good chunk of money by purchasing outside of your vet. I recommend checking out the store that we use, which you can visit by clicking the banner below. Their price is definitely much more affordable! And you can even buy Simparica Trio without a vet prescription, which is super convenient!