My Review of Revolution Heartworm and Flea Treatment
I wanted to write up a quick review of my experience with Revolution for my cat. There are a lot of flea and tick products on the market for our pets, and I know that I always find it helpful when someone takes the time to write a review, so I wanted to take a couple of minutes to do the same!
What exactly is Revolution?
Revolution is a topical (meaning you apply it to your pet's skin) medication that is designed to prevent fleas, heartworms and earmites, roundworms and hookworms. * Revolution for dogs also protects against ticks and sarcoptic mange (but I don't know about the roundworms and hookworms in dogs).
As I mentioned, the product is applied topically; you administer 1 dose per month, so it's designed to last approximately 30 days.
If you want, you can learn more by visiting their website (just do a google search for revolution)
Product Performance
Again, I can't make any comments about the product in regard to dogs, as I don't use it on my dog….but as far as my cat goes, it's been pretty good!
My cat hates taking medicine by mouth, so that definitely limited me from the get-go as far as flea protection is concerned….it had to be a topical product.
The only slight negative to a topical product (not just revolution) is that when it is applied, it can get on their hair some (if not applied slowly enough), and can make the fur wet for a little while. Just take your time with the application, and follow the directions.
Since being on Revolution, I haven't noticed any fleas, which is the primary reason why I have my cat on revolution.
One thing to note however, is that if a flea DOES get on your pet, I don't think this product will INSTANTLY kill them….they could still potentially have enough time to bite your pet (though they would die shortly after). That's why I was told, anyway…
But like I said, I haven't had any problems, so no complaints there!
The other big seller about Revolution is that it acts as a heartworm preventative as well, which means that I don't have to have a separate medication, which is awesome!
Other thoughts
A while back, I came across a review by another person who claimed that their vet told them that it is really important to be consistent with the product (as in not missing doses, etc) because if you give the medication while your pet currently has heartworms (example – you missed a month, and your pet developed heartworms during the missed time), it could potentially be fatal…
I'm embarrassed to say that I haven't confirmed this with my own veterinarian yet, so I can't confirm the correctness of the statement, but I figured it was worth mentioning. (obviously I will be addressing this with my own vet).
If I were you, I would definitely consult with you own vet as well before getting your pet on the product…
Really not too much to say…My experience with Heartworm Revolution has been great so far. I will continue to use it on my cat, and don't see any reason to switch to something else at this time!
If you're interested in saving a lot of money on the product, I have found a great place to buy that is very price competitive; you can read about my experience here: revolution for cats best price